Learn how to implement the gradient descent algorithm step-by-step, including the key concepts such as learning rates, derivatives, and simultaneous updates for optimizing machine learning models.
In this section, we'll walk through the steps required to implement the gradient descent algorithm. Let's start by breaking down the core concepts and equations.
On each step, the parameter w is updated as:
What this expression means is: update your parameterw by adjusting it a small amount, which is the term on the right, minus Alpha times the derivative of the cost function with respect to w.
If this equation seems complex, don't worry—we'll break it down step by step.
The = sign in programming is an assignment operator. In this context:
w = new_value: Assigns w a new value.
If you write a = a + 1, it increments the value of a by one.
The assignment operator in programming languages is different from truth assertions in mathematics. For example, a = c in code means "store the value of c in a," but in math, it means "a is equal to c."
In programming languages like Python, truth assertions are sometimes written as a == c to check if a equals c.
The next key part of the gradient descent update equation is the derivative of the cost function.
For now, think of this derivative term as indicating the direction in which you need to adjust your parameters. Combined with the learning rate, the derivative also determines the size of the adjustment.
Although derivatives come from calculus, don't worry if you're not familiar with it. You’ll be able to grasp the key concepts without needing advanced calculus knowledge.
Here’s an incorrect way to implement gradient descent that does not use simultaneous updates:
In this incorrect approach:
w is updated before computing temp_b.
When calculating temp_b, the updated w is already used, leading to different values for b and an overall incorrect result.
While this non-simultaneous method might still work in some cases, it's not the correct way to implement gradient descent. The standard gradient descent algorithm requires simultaneous updates.
That wraps up the overview of how to implement gradient descent correctly. You now understand how to update both parameters w and b simultaneously, as well as the role of the learning rate and the derivative in the process.
In the next part, we’ll dive deeper into the concept of derivatives and how they affect the gradient descent process. Even if you're not familiar with calculus, you'll be able to grasp the intuition behind derivatives and apply them in gradient descent.
Stay tuned for the next section where we'll cover derivatives in more detail!