The most widely used tool by machine learning and data science practitioners today is the Jupyter Notebook. This is the default environments that a lot of us use to code up and experiment and try things out.
From the notes, you've seen supervised learning and unsupervised learning and also examples of both. For you to more deeply understand these concepts, I'll like to invite you to see, learn and maybe later write codes yourself to implement these concepts.
By reading through and running the code in the notebooks (jupyter notebooks) on your device, you can see how machine learning code runs. You should complete them relatively quickly just by running it one line at a time from top to bottom.
Feel free to scroll up and down and browse and mouseover the different menus and take a look at the different options here. You might notice that there are two types of these blocks, also called cells in the notebook and there are two types of cells. One is what's called a Markdown cell, which means a bunch of text, but this is text that describes the code . Then there's a second type of block or cell which looks like this, which has a code cell. Here, if want to run this code cell, hitting Shift Enter will run the code in this code cell.
Congrats on installing Jupyter notebook on your device and going through the module, now you know what are jupyter notebook